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Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Adar Novak

Dr. Seuss books are a staple in our home. Even with kids who are independent — and prolific — readers, Dr. Seuss books still make their way into the rotation, especially on nights when we let our older daughter put her little sister to bed. The love for Dr. Seuss' books in our home has even evolved into a fascination with Dr. Seuss himself, as our younger daughter delves into the book, Who Was Dr. Seuss?

Pouchie Pals: Dr. Seuss Birthday!

We are clearly not the only ones with this love for all things Seuss: March 2 (Dr. Seuss' birthday) is celebrated as Dr. Seuss day, with elementary schools nationwide embracing the author's brilliant, thoughtful and silly books. Children bring their favorite Dr. Seuss books to school, teachers read the books to their classes and some even dress up in the famous hat worn by the Cat in the Hat. It's amazing that there's a book for every mood and parenting scenario: Your child is reluctant to try something new? Read Green Eggs and Ham! Looking to teach a lesson on diversity and inclusion? Take out The Sneetches. Want to bring a little empathy into your home? Grab Horton Hears a Who! Want your child to imagine themselves being in charge and tackling hilarious tongue twisters? Reach for If I Ran the Zoo. Starting a new chapter in your life? Give the unforgettable Oh, The Places You'll Go! (Honestly, I already tear up thinking of when I may give this one to my little ones when they leave home to embark on their own life journey, as my parents did when I left for college). Dr. Seuss' prose and principles are timeless. It's a comfort to know that so many people lovingly embrace them, even when the lessons are sometimes hidden behind made-up names, tongue-twisting rhymes and mind-bending ideas. We at Pouchie Pals wish you and your family a brilliant, thoughtful and very silly Dr. Seuss Day!

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